Is My Entrepreneurial Idea Viable?
The users' average score on this tool is:
Unfortunately, not all entrepreneurial ideas translate into great businesses. Even if you’ve thought of a fantastic product or service, you need the right business model, pricing, funding, marketing and people to make it work – and of course, enough customers willing to pay for it.
The startup tool helps the user who wants to start a business and to evaluate the business idea, finding the ease of implementation as well as tips to improve it. Specifically, the maturity and applicability of the business idea are evaluated to the following areas:
1. Market
2. Marketing
3. Finance
4. Idea Exploitation
- Save time and money by assessing and evaluating your business idea
- Discover the best and easiest way for idea implementation
- Get full and comprehensive feedback
- Receive instant suggestions to improve your business idea
- Compare your idea with that of other entrepreneurs
I was able to quickly assess 5 parameters and see how my score matched up with the average score!
Tina, Financial Planner, USA
Tool Type
Time Needed
10 minutes
Service / Manufacturing / Trade

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