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37 Actions Entrepreneurs Should Take ( and 3 Special Ones if you are in China)

37 Actions Entrepreneurs Should Take ( and 3 Special Ones if you are in China)

If you are reading Tech entertainment stories from TechCrunch or Venture Beat you might be overwhelmed by the amount of advice that you get as an entrepreneur. Do this, do that…etc. Still at some point you see the same websites over and over again. I decided I want to try and create something different….

I created an agregated list of good advice for entrepnurs and was trying (as much as possible) to avoid the major websites and walk off the beaten track.

Jump in!

(…And don’t forget to add your own at the comments, possible with a relevant link.)


1) Raise money – Creative Ways To Raise Money For Your Startup

2) Work hard – The Truth about Hard Work and Entrepreneurial Success

3) (or) Work Smart – 5 Unusual Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder, Backed by Science

4) Build a team – What no one talks about when building a team: letting people go

5) Be lean – Why We Love The Lean Startup Method (And You Should Too!)


7) Hire smart people – How to Recognize Smart People for Your Startup Team

8) Learn to code – My Advice for Young Entrepreneurs? Learn to code

9) Or don’t – Should Entrepreneurs Code? Founders Share Their Views

10) Speak at conferences – Why You Should Speak At Meetups And Conferences

11) Get a mentor – Finding The Perfect Mentor: Stories from 4 Successful Entrepreneurs

12) Join an accelerator or incubator – When is The Right Time to Join an Accelerator or an Incubator?

13) Blog – All Entrepreneurs Should Blog

14) Make a to do list – An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Building an Efficient To-Do List

15) Make a not to-do list – Effective Entrepreneurship: The Not To Do List

16) Improve your pitch – How to improve your investment pitch



Now, if you are in China you defiantly have a few more!

38) Get a visa to stay (This one is difficult and requires a separate post) – China’s New Visa Rules Screw Over Startups and Entrepreneurs

39) Learn Chinese (a little cliché, but some Chinese skills would help) – Why Skritter App Makes me Spend $518.49?

40) Find your community – Lean Startup Beijing Meetup . (Disclaimer, I’m the organizer of this group, come check us out)

41) What else?

As read on the Startupnoodle blog.