What's hot in the Smart Care Industry

Whenever you are in a situation in which help is needed the chances of getting the desired help depend on the existing barriers for reaching out to those around you. As technology improves and government policies integrate new developments, the barriers for seeking out for help are disappearing and cities are becoming connected hubs where citizens can connect with those around them much easier and cheaper than before.
But smart care is not only about emergency response. The Internet of Things is enabling medical centers to manage resources in a more efficient way through connected platforms and devices. Outside, users can have a better understanding of their body’s performance via devices that display this information, which are what we call wearable technology.
At Startupbootcamp we are looking for startups with kick-ass solutions to improve the smart care industry, from smart health to emergency response. In case you haven’t done it before, have a look at our Smart City & Living acceleration program here.
Let’s have a look at some news about the “Smart Care” vertical.
MOCA heart makes keeping track of your heart’s vital signs easy: The startup Moca Care has recently launched this portable monitor that makes it easier for those having to watch out for their heart’s health to cope with everyday life.
How a small wearable device is improving care and saving money for hospitals. This is a perfect example of how health centers can manage patients in a more efficient way. The device can help nurses prioritize patients with a higher need for help as well as enhancing patient mobility.
500 Startups-backed CareLuLu raises $1.7M to grow its daycare search engine. Startup CareLuLu tries to tackle the problem of parents insecurity when searching for children daycare. The founders themselves are parents and decided to come up with a solution for this vibrant everyday problem.
Top 15 free Android medical apps for healthcare professionals. Good resource list of apps for those in the health care industry.
How the IoT could become a critical part of disaster response. This article can help us understand the positive effect of internet of things during emergency situations as well as the challenges to face. Definitely worth a read.
How the internet of things is revolutionizing healthcare. Similar to the previous article but this time about the effect of the Internet of Things has when its used for healthcare solutions. The complete paper can be found here
That's all for now! Stay tuned because in 2 weeks the next Smart City & Living post will go live, gathering news about another of the 7 verticals.
As read on StartupBootCamp.