


Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions: The education effect - Part 3

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions: The education effect - Part 3
Anastasios Vasileiadis
by Anastasios Vasileiadis

The field of entrepreneurial intentions and the creation of a predicted model is an open research field. The generalization of the results from the present research could transpire only if the present data is to be confirmed by other empirical research, which will eliminate the weaknesses present in this research. More effort is needed to define the educational methods and techniques that can better contribute to the preparation of students for their potential entrepreneurial activity. The proposed model should also be specialized in different sectors of the economy or different types of enterprises and so it is important to investigate whether the educational topics in entrepreneurship should be different among the educational levels, in order to enhance more effectively the entrepreneurial intentions of the participants.

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions: The education effect - Part 3

Moreover, it is important that this investigation take into consideration whether the educational level affects differently the intentions of different population groups. The research community must pose addition attention to the transformation to action of entrepreneurial intentions, because the intermediate stage from the shaping of the intention and the enterprise establishment must be investigated. Finally it is important to reinvestigate, using new methods of research and data analysis, whether the proposed from the literature model and its hierarchical structure is applied.
