1. Firstly, they can help you later. Some start-ups do actually become quite successful, and if you have helped them along the road, you may find that they reward you later when they start to make it big. It could mean a job, or referrals.
2. You also get a real sense of excitement helping a start up to grow beyond that initial movement. You can be in on the ground, helping an exciting entity make it’s way in business.
3. You can also meet some incredibly exciting people. In many start-ups, there are people who are creative, and not stifled by corporate traditions. It can feel intensely liberating to be a part of that.
4. Start-ups often have funds that mean they can actually pay you on time. This may seem a little cynical, but start-ups have the kind of cash that allows you to do your job and get paid quickly.
5. Start-ups are also generally easier to talk to, and easier to share ideas with. If you have a chance to work with a start-up, this means that you can talk to them and know that they will most likely listen to what you have to say. They are not bound by too many restrictions and ‘ways of doing things’.
6. This also means that things will get done quicker. Working with a start-up allows you to fire ideas at them quickly, and get started on projects with more speed due to the fact that young companies generally make quicker decisions.
7. Finally, working with a start-up allows you to get in on something big. It doesn’t always happen this way, but if you get lucky, you could be part of a dream that becomes a profitable reality.
If you have the chance to work with a start up, grab it with both hands. It could really help to hone your skills, and could even change your life.