Getting a business going is one thing, keeping it going is something else entirely. Nothing is static in the business world, you will find that prices of various items will fluctuate, which will include any stock that you buy in. Therefore although you will have carried out an evaluation of your suppliers when you first started your business, you should carry out a regular evaluation of your supplier options. Make sure you revisit the advice on how to evaluate suppliers as it is not necessarily all about cost. There are also other elements to take into account, such as timeliness of deliveries, ability to deliver the quantities you require and there may also be other elements to consider, such as whether items are bought on a sale or return basis.
You should also maintain an awareness of all of the processes that there are within your company. Are you carrying out jobs, such as stocktaking, effectively? Are you maintaining your accounts and financial information efficiently, or do you find yourself spending large amounts of time at the end of the month coordinating your finances?
Another way to optimise your business is to make sure that you are employing the right people. There are likely to be a range of skills required in order for your business to function properly. You do not necessarily have to have all of the skills yourself, but you do need to be aware of all of the skills your business needs. Therefore with careful recruitment you can ensure that the right balance of skills is maintained within your company. Hiring new employees may seem daunting, but once you have identified the skills that they will need you can find guidance on creating a job description that will attract the right sort of applicant.