First of all try and focus on the bigger picture. It is no good getting bogged down on small details, when the real issue is probably about profit and business processes. Nail down what the problem is and try your best to solve it through rational thinking, and considering all aspects of the bigger picture. Work out what the goals of the business are, and how the problems are stopping the business from reaching that goal. Once you know this, you will be able to develop a rock solid action plan that focuses on real problems, and stops the details taking over.
Secondly, always get rest when you are dealing with big problems, sleep well and ensure that you eat well also. A well-conditioned body is conducive to great decision-making and problem solving, these skills are what you need in your role, so it is absolutely essential that you get your own physical rest organised, so that you can develop an approach where you are able to concentrate.
Another aspect is the organisation thing. Make sure you have an organised approach to all your work, including ensuring that you have a workable diary and planer. No matter what the size of the problem, or it’s complexity, if you are organised it is very easy to stay in control.