The educational systems leads tertiary education graduates to the labour market searching for a job or developing their own entrepreneurial activity. The up to-date research in the field of entrepreneurial intentions is especially important with data that enlighten many of the sides of the phenomenon and the role that is has taken in the development of entrepreneurship in general.
However, the relevant theoretical models that have been supported during the previous decades did not consider the level of education and education in entrepreneurship as specific predicting variables of entrepreneurial intentions. Education constitutes a parameter, of which however in an indirect manner influences entrepreneurship, in context with the wider social and economic environment in which the individuals are active.
Some researchers, examined entrepreneurial intentions with a pre-post measurement from the participation of individuals in a specific educational program of entrepreneurship and Kennedy and Audet mentioned that education in entrepreneurship has a positive effect on perceived desirability and feasibility and they suggest it be introduced as a variable in the models of measurement of entrepreneurial intentions.
Education constitutes a parameter, which however in an indirect manner influences entrepreneurship, in context with the wider social and economic environment in which the individuals are active. International literature allocates certain effects that education may have on the desire of individuals for self-employment while Timmons supports that the typical educational system obstructs the development of entrepreneurship since it prepares students promoting a mentality of dependent employment, stifling creativity.
Of course, while the period of education times is the most determinative level for the development of individual entrepreneurial potential and attitudes, it is necessary to evaluate it for the entrepreneurial force and their intentions to be promoted.
Certain research examined the educational level of individuals that started entrepreneurial activities and mentioned that it is higher than other population categories. Besides, research showed that owners of businesses are better trained than the general population.
So if we want to increase the intention of the population to start a new venture the only think that we should do is to educate them.