


Do I have what it takes to establish a small manufacturing business?

Do I have what it takes to establish a small manufacturing business?
Anastasios Vasileiadis
by Anastasios Vasileiadis
There are lots of people with the skills needed for the industry, like welders, machinists and fabricators but they will not all have the business skills it takes to build a successful business.

Who could start a manufacturing business?

The most important part of owning a manufacturing business that can survive is getting contracts. Without contracts there’ll be very little business. In order to do this, the business owner must be out going, confident and determined. As the business establishes itself, there may be times when the owner has to face rejection and they not only need to be able to handle it, but also learn to expect it.

Finding the best employees

Most manufacturing businesses will need a number of employees, especially if you are considering securing large contracts. If you start a business on your own and find that you are working 40 hours a week to keep up with demand, you may not have the time to secure future work. This means that you will probably have to pass your work on to employees, so that you are free to attract new clients. There are different ways of finding employees, but some of the best for this industry includes hiring freelancers or going through staffing agencies.

Are there downsides to starting a manufacturing business?

Just like any other business, there are some downsides to starting a manufacturing business. It takes a long-term commitment to make something of it. You may not see much of a profit for the first 6-12 months so be prepared to budget accordingly. Particular to manufacturing is the fact that when your business is established, you will be known in your area so if you choose to move away, it could mean starting all over again.
