


Entrepreneurial support services: Are they really helpful?

Entrepreneurial support services: Are they really helpful?
Anastasios Vasileiadis
by Anastasios Vasileiadis

The best kind of service offers mentoring from leading industry experts and figures, specifically people who have set up and run their own businesses. It is perhaps arguable that this aspect of the service is the very best one, and provides the most lasting value to the budding entrepreneur.

The main aim here is to provide business guidance. This is where the service can offer a high level of value. What entrepreneurs need more than anything else is for someone to provide business guidance. If they can get this, they don’t mind where it comes from, as long as it is valuable and practical. This is why services such as these are thriving.

Offering value to clients

If you can be part of such a service in any way in your consultancy role, it is worthwhile looking into it. The sheer value you can offer clients is huge, and the experience is also incredibly valuable to you as a consultant. You can learn a lot from working with people who are simply there to offer help to a business, and you can also develop your own professional expertise into the bargain.

There are many such services around, and some consultants are finding that they offer great opportunities for career development, as well as networking. Because so many businesses are in touch with such services, and because these businesses are ready for anyone who can provide business guidance, it is an ideal opportunity for you to make contacts, develop your expertise, and basically show how you can help businesses with their problems and their support requirements. So these services have their advantages too.
