The first tool you really need to have in your arsenal, as a business consultant is a great organisational tool. This could be a simple diary in a book form, or it could be an app on your tablet. Whatever it is, it has to be easy to use and simple to manage, especially during meetings and so on. Don’t forget that businesses will work with you because they think you can set an example to them of best business practice. It is therefore essential that you are able to show that you are organised. Otherwise they will have no confidence in you.
Secondly, one tool you really need is a very good presentation tool. You can use your laptop for this, and if you source the best software for presentations then you should be okay. Don’t rely on PowerPoint, because it is quickly losing its appeal for some businesses. Don’t forget you are there to impress them, and it is for this reason that it is vital you bring the very best presentation tools to meetings. Consider some of the newer tools and you should be able to strike the right balance between presenting something in a boring and dry fashion, and wowing your prospective clients with some excellent visuals and sound.
These are the two basic tools that every business consultant really needs if he or she is to make the most out of every meeting. The rest is up to you. Be passionate and committed to what you do, and you should be fine.