


Are all business ideas viable? If not, why?

Are all business ideas viable? If not, why?
Panagiotis Koutoudis
by Panagiotis Koutoudis

This is because there are so many different aspects to running a successful business that can stand the test of time. Do you have the right funding? Are you pricing your products and services appropriately? Do you have a marketing plan? These are all questions that should be taken into consideration before a business goes ahead.

So, how do you know if your business is worth your time, effort and money? Before going ahead, take some time to do the relevant market research so you can find out if there is a need in the market for what you want to sell. Find out who your target market is and whether they would be interested in what you have to offer. Not only will this give you an idea of whether your business is viable, but it will also lead you in the direction for how you want to market your business.

Do you know how much your business will cost to set up? A lot of people go into business underestimating the price of getting it off the ground, something which sadly leads to businesses having to close and worst case scenario, having to declare bankruptcy. Do not guess costs for your business; speak to a professional financial advisor that can guide you in a realistic way. If your business idea is not original, you should also be prepared to compete with similar businesses that may be in your area. And last, but not least, you must be able to stick at it. Setting up a business will take everything you have and you may not see results as quickly as you would hope. However, if your business is viable and you have everything in place, there is no reason you should not see success.
